Coming soon

L'Avocat Literary Journal

A journal of social justice, advocacy, and living with hope from the Christian perspective

Now accepting submissions
Please submit your unpublished works on social justice, advocacy, or living with hope from the Christian perspective, etc. with a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 5,000 words. Please email an attachment with your submission as a Word Doc. The document should be labeled with your NAME and the TITLE of your work. Please format your Word Document with 12-point Times New Roman and double spaced (and please remove spaces between paragraphs). Send your submission to with LITERARY JOURNAL SUBMISSION as the subject. Photos/illustrations should either be your own or in the public domain. Please place any images in the document where you would like them to appear. We will read through each article and edit as needed with spelling, grammar, etc., but please be sure to send a polished piece of writing. By submitting, you agree to our editing your piece as we deem necessary. You are welcome to submit multiple pieces. However, only one will be accepted for the journal at a time. Please also include a short bio and headshot to be included in the journal. Your bio should be 200 words or less. Please attach your works cited, bio, and headshot in the same Word Document as your essay. This is open across the United States.


We are also accepting artwork. It is recommended that you include a bit of writing with your artwork as well–your creative process, and/or the meaning behind the piece, etc.


At the moment, St. Ives is unable to pay writers. Writers and artists will be given one free copy of the journal as well as a chance to purchase additional copies at the wholesale price in order to resell them on their own. (This is common practice, but not entirely necessary) Again, depending on the success of this journal, this may change in the future!

Peace and blessings. ⁣